Become a ROC
Why become a ROC?
Control the land your home is on.
If you live in a commercially owned community, your home – possibly your largest asset – sits on someone else’s land. Think of it as half the American Dream.
A Resident Owned Community (ROC) is a manufactured home park purchased and run by the homeowners. Using the ROC cooperative model, CaliROC and the residents work together to create a sustainable and strong community.
In addition to improving one's community, cooperatives control their own rent, choose which community repairs and improvements to focus on first, establish and fairly enforce rules for the park and amenities, and create more unified neighborhoods.
In addition to helping residents buy their communities, we offer ongoing coaching, training, and education after the purchase. Nationwide, there are already 267 resident-owned communities nationwide and more converting soon. Will your community be next?
ROCs Grow More Affordable Every Year
Independent Rent Study Shows ROCs Grow More Affordable Every Year
How does my community become a ROC?
As a ROC USA® affiliate, CCCD, collaborates with park owners and residents in the purchase of a manufactured home park. In order to become a ROC, park owners have to be willing to sell their land to the residents.
If you are interested in your community becoming an ROC we encourage you to contact us our phone number (530) 297-1032 or our email
The Manufactured Housing Opportunity & Revitalization Program (MORE) is a state of California program that provides low interest loans for residents to purchase their park as well as loans to replace infrastructure like roads, water and sewer systems, etc. CaliROC will help your community financing from MORE or elsewhere.